Our Story

About us

How our dream came about...

Our dream of running a hospitality business began when we combined our skills and passions. Job (34) has a background in hospitality and has always enjoyed making guests feel at home. Meanwhile, Gess (31) come from a sales background and love connecting with people.

We both had a desire to create a space where guests could feel welcome, relaxed, and taken care of. So we decided to pursue our dream and create our own hospitality business. We put our hearts and souls into designing and decorating the space to make it warm, inviting, and comfortable for our guests.

We love what we do and we hope you feel the love and care we put into every aspect of our business during your stay."

Why we started our Guesthouse...

We started our guesthouse with a strong desire to escape the fast-paced life of the city and create a peaceful environment for ourselves and our two little girls. We wanted to slow down, appreciate the simple things in life, and connect with nature. We dreamed of a place where we could relax, recharge, and spend quality time together as a family. As we searched for a location that would fit our vision, we realized that we could share this experience with others by opening a guesthouse. 

get to know us

5 Facts about us:

We both have a passion for hospitality

We have 2 lovely daughters Juno (3) and India (2)

Enjoy meeting new people

We love nature

Nothing beats an home cooked meal!

Our dream for you...

Our dream for our guests is to create a peaceful and memorable experience for them during their stay with us. We hope to provide a warm and welcoming environment where they can relax, recharge, and feel at home.